Dear reader!
The long hot summer moths definitely are not an invitation to drive anywhere to watch birds, but our withdrawal symptoms were grown to the almost unbearable, why we went on our way to the Salines of Bonanza, despite the thermometer showed during daytime around 34°C. But the enthrallment about all the numerous birds, amongst them for example hundreds upon hundreds of Greater Flamingos, Pied Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits, Glossy Ibis, just arriving Greenshanks, groups of White Spoonbills and Black Storks outshone the heat!
Most remarkable was the scenery of three high up circling Ospreys. One of them carrying a fish between his claws and the other two, most likely too lazy to go hunting for themselves, wanted to get the prey from him. A Black Kite realized what was going on and also interfered. If the real owner of the fish was in the end the winner we unfortunately could not see because of the far distance.
Almost confiding this Red Kite showed himself, who completely relaxed circled again and again above us:
What would the Salines of Bonanza be …
… without the elegant Slender-billed Gulls?
We were also able to watch a single Tern:
When the water-level in the channels is lowering, the birds immediately help themselves in the exposed mud with its numerous crabs and other tidbits. Here a Bar-tailed Godwit:
And, to our biggest joy, there were also some Whimbrels:
In the warm light of the setting sun I was able to admire the beautiful blue-grey shade of their legs: /p>
Hidden in the heath I sometimes had to look very close to discover these beautiful birds. And it' a great gift …
… to be able to admire their careful and proud walk!
"Enough photos for today! I am going to fly to the channel to eat some crabs!"
The Redshank is looking a little bit upset, because the strong wind is disturbing his plumage:
And here a young, most likely banded in England, Dunlin:
And here a Sanderling in company of a young Dunlin. I cannot describe how much I enjoyed these little guys!
"Just a moment! I see some food!"
And really, this Sanderling again and again made a find:
The presence of the Nordic guests was not at all to the liking of the numerous Sanderlings! Again and again they tried to chase whatever was not a Plover!
And now we leave these beautiful and so embosomed Salines of Bonanze to make on the way home …
… as side trip to La Janda. This Black-winged Kite hat big problems to stay on the branch in this strong wind:
Besides of numerous Bee-eaters, European Goldfinches, Black Kites, Honey Buzzards and Marsh Harriers (beyond two wonderful colored males), we also were able to admire some female Montagu's Harriers.
The most other sceneries took place too far away, but these femalses dashed quickly just beside of the car:
This Honey Buzzard seemed a little exhausted:
Already for a few days all these birds were not able, due to the strong winds, to proceed to the direction of Africa. Fortunately the next day all were able to cross the Strait:
""This dangerous flight I won't perform! I'll stay at La Janda!" this little Zitting Cisticola means:
Despite the heat and the wind it just were great holidays, because how much did we miss our feathered friends!
Best regards
Birgit Kremer